The Sdkfz 222 armored car was very common in WWII. These resin kits are so old, I am not sure who actually made it.
Not great, but these have been sitting around in my collection for at least five years. I think I got them when I purchased a collection. As you can see, they need a lot of flash cleaned up before they will be in good shape.

An initial assembly of the vehicle. These will probably end up in my Africa Korps units. Bill Jr. Custom Models makes a 222 armored car, but this one is not nearly as good.

An initial assembly of the vehicle. These will probably end up in my Africa Korps units. Bill Jr. Custom Models makes a 222 armored car, but this one is not nearly as good.
these look good,
The Difference between earlier and later versions is the front two Vision slots are a bigger one for the driver and smaller offset on earlier versions.
And these in the photos are Mid production.
Are there going to be any with the 20mm gun mounted on the turret top
would they be 1/72 ish or at least for 20mm.
I like the 221, 222, 223 etc and 260 261 series and the 232 233 234 etc etc, but don't let me start on my thing with German ACs and HTs and actually my venture into all 1/35 WW2 ACs
nice work Bunker
Cheers Karcuss
Thanks for the info Karcuss!
that 222 may be by Frontline Wargaming.
as you say its an old kit. the more recent kits have far less flash.
I think the 222 are 1/87 rather than 1/76 or 1/72, but who knows?
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