Grenade thrower and 24/29 Chatterault machine gun. Gunner is in a prone firing position.
Bunker Talk blog with 30,000 photos of my toy soldier collection of Roco Minitanks, Heiser Models, Fidelis Models, Airfix and Pegasus figures; and 54mm & 60mm plastic soldiers from Tim Mee, Elastowit, BMC, MPC. Be sure to follow Bunker Talk. Email at BunkerMeister45@aol.com. Get merch at: https://www.redbubble.com/people/bunkertalkwar/shop
These two excellent figures certainly capture the spirit of maneuver demonstrated by the French army when faced with the onslaught of the German blitzkrieg. Hard to believe these are one piece figures.
These are very helpful figures. I like the marching guy, I look forward to seeing other people do dioramas of a large number of these guys in formation. They would be terrific. As usual, these figures are flash free and come with a little nub on them that needs to be trimmed. I pulled them off for the photos but did not trim them yet.
Modern, high technology armored cars participate in the parade. These armored cars are brand new.
The news crew covers this event. Around here, this is a big deal and many people took time off of work to see the soldiers marching, the armored cars and maybe a glimpse of the Vice-President.
Soviet spies are everywhere. Sometimes they are East Germans, or from Poland, or even Bulgaria. The East Germans are the most reliable of Moscow's puppets.
The soldiers march in review past the Vice-President. A visiting General is visible in the lower left corner of the photo.
Armored cars by Tim Mee, Nixon and General and MPs by Marx.