Bunker Talk blog with 30,000 photos of my toy soldier collection of Roco Minitanks, Heiser Models, Fidelis Models, Airfix and Pegasus figures; and 54mm & 60mm plastic soldiers from Tim Mee, Elastowit, BMC, MPC. Be sure to follow Bunker Talk. Email at BunkerMeister45@aol.com. Get merch at: https://www.redbubble.com/people/bunkertalkwar/shop
Friday, July 31, 2009
Product Suggestions
Imex already makes a nice variety of ACW figures and wagons, and a few more could make theirs the premier range for 1/72nd scale. With HaT and other companies concentrating on other eras, this leaves Imex free to corner the market on the ACW, just in time for the publicity and events that will ensure from 2011 to 2015.
Re-packaging existing Imex sets combined with new sets or new accessories would also be a good idea. Several of the items in the Southwest Accessories would also work for the ACW too.
As I see it the main gaps in the ACW include:
A plantation set with Southern ladies and gentlemen, farm implements and even farm workers, and slaves. There could be instructional materials about the evil of slavery and the Underground Railroad too.
Heavy siege artillery, the Union defended many forts with very heavy guns and there are no models on them in plastic, they were used at Washington D.C. and Ft. Sumpter.
Berdans Sharpshooters, these were highly trained riflemen who wore green uniforms, used special rifles with telescopes on them.
Communications Soldiers, the Union and South used telegraph, signal flags, signal fires, and even observation balloons and cameras to send messages and record information. Matthew Brady was a famous photographer who took pictures of the soldiers of both sides.
Union Black Soldiers, the US Army fielded several regiments of all Black soldiers. This would be an excellent set for Imex to make.
Union Naval Landing party, the US Navy participated in several landings where the sailors fought as infantry. No one makes figures of these sailors.
The Imex Wagons are good but they suffer from having undersized mule figures to pull them. If the sets were redone with new mules and four mules per wagon they would be a much better set.
I know Imex also makes buildings as does Pegasus. Gettysburg has many historical buildings that were important during the battle. Most of them are still there today, preserved as monuments. I know they would also sell well.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Undead Rules
1 head
2 shoulders
3 chest
4 stomach
5 thigh
6 leg
When fighting the undead, zombies are only killed if you destroy the brain, so only a hit on the "one" location would result in a kill.
As for other members of the undead, only a blessed silver bullet through the heart will kill a vampire. So only a hit in the 3 chest location will kill one. Of course, not every soldier typically carries blessed silver bullets, so they would need to be a special unit or be well prepared.
The undead zombies don't move very fast, so they are limited in their movement to walk, 5 inches per turn in my rules. Zombies don't use any weapons, and melee as regular humans, but due to their slow movements take damage out of sequence. Damage to a zombie in melee takes effect immediately and the human does not take damage if he wins the melee.
Vampires are able to move as regular humans, 5 inches to walk or 10 inches to run or even fly if they turn into a bat. Bats fly 15 inches per turn. It takes one turn stationary without fighting to turn into a bat or back into a human. Vampires naturally can use any weapons humans can use and also can immobilize one human with fear if they are within five inches of them. Of course, vampires only go out at night and must be asleep in their tombs in the daylight.
The undead can add a bit of interest to any historical scenario. Soldiers often tell stories of the supernatural happening on the battlefield, and at night imaginations can be very fertile.
Undead Army
Wayne Wanner, master modeller and wargamer submitted these photos of the Caesar Undead set.
Caesar has taken a bold step in the world of 1/72nd scale figures by making undead, and various fantasy adventure figures. I hope that they continue this range which includes some very nice Lord of the Rings style figures. Fantasy is very popular in other scales, and this series gives people a chance to use the vehicles, buildings, and other figures found in 1/72nd scale.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Horse Repair
Monday, July 27, 2009
Butcher Heads

Sunday, July 26, 2009
WWI & WWII French News
The test shots were white plastic figures with clear plastic arms and weapons. These are in the typical Pegasus style with many separate arms and weapons. This makes for highly detailed figures and many different options. Test shots are done using any plastic, so they often come out in odd colors, or even no color, like the clear parts.
Larry explained the differences between the two sets, the differences in pouches, and gas masks and weapons. The set had a lot of flash and mold flaws so there is still a lot of work to do on them. Pegasus is very careful not to send a set to production until these very common problems are worked out. The WWII French will make a nice complement to the WWII French from Caesar. I know I will be getting a few of both sets.
Hang 'Em

I took an Imex tree and a bit of string and tied the Pegasus steer body to the tree by one rear leg. The string is saturated in superglue to firm it up.

I painted each of the "wooden" parts with a dark paint, overall. Then I used a medium paint and finally a light brown dry brush on all the wood. Axe head, steel, and the axe handle German gray. I also painted the rope deck tan. The steer carcass was painted a nice gloss red, followed by a flesh color over all to simulate the fat that would be under the skin. I then painted in interior of the cut with a clear gloss red for more depth.

The whole model had been primed with a light gray spray primer. The ground was painted with Woodland Scenics Earth Color, two coats. Next I sprinkled a bit of Woodland Scenics Blended Turf flocking. It matches my table top pretty well, so I use it frequently on terrain.

Once the paint had dried, I dropped Scenic Cement on the flocking to hold it in place. This makes a sturdy ground cover. I left a bit of the ground showing to depict the wear of walking on it by the soldier butcher.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Butcher, Baker...

This stump and ax come in the Imex Southwest Accys.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Reich of the Black Sun
Joseph P. Farrell makes a pretty good case that the Third Reich was working on the Hydrogen Bomb and may have actually developed the Atomic Bomb as a trigger for the Hydrogen Bomb.
Reich of the Black Sun, by Joseph P. Farrell, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 2004. http://www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com/
This book is about the strange science research of the SS in Nazi Germany, mostly during World War Two. The book is mostly about the nuclear weapons research, but also covers computers, and all kinds of strange weapons and technology. For those interested in Weird War Two types of wargames, this book has some interesting scenarios and technology.
The book also follows the post war developments of some of the technology pioneered by the Nazis. The book discusses flying discs, and various kinds of nuclear materials, and the possibility that the Nazis may have planned on using a UFO flying saucer to drop hydrogen bombs on New York City. Interesting theories, but probably not very good history or science. The book was only $17 so a worthwhile investment for the new wargame scenarios I will get out of it.
Rumors & Terror

I took this job out in the middle of nowhere to avoid crime, not it has followed me here. I worry all the time now that soon there could be another victim.

I don't mind telling you I am scared. I have even taken to carrying a knife with me all the time.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Rumors And Fear
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Rumors of Murder

I was supposed to be on duty the night that soldier was killed, but I was on sick call.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

At the Atomic Testing Base, it's payday. On payday, once a month, everyone lines up to sign their pay book and then gets their check. Then they line up a second time to get their money. With a large base like this, there is a lot of cash being handled. But with a murder on the base, not everyone is thinking about money. After they get there pay, many of the men wait around and the rumors fly.
Friday, July 17, 2009
HO Guns

These HO scale WWII German artillery models are mostly resin kits. They are free of any of the flaws found in many kinds of resin kits because they use a vacuum chamber to suck out the air that often leaves bubbles in the model.