Over three thousand V-2 missiles were launched by the German Army in WWII. They were a mobile ballistic missile system that was used both strategically to attack cities and major depots and tactically to attack bridges.
At times they were launched in groups from the same general area. They did not want to keep them around very long because the fuel was very toxic, and corrosive and the threat of destruction by Allied airpower was very great.

The missile would be towed on it's transporter / erector and be set in place on the mobile launch pad. Then the missile would be fueled and after a few final checks be launched.

Here four missiles are being prepared for launch at one location. Missile technicians and visitors are on site as the final preparations are being made. The entire caravan could be moved rapidly by road, pull over fire a missile and be on their way for a reload very quickly.

The man with the camera from the propaganda ministry is here to record the firing of the four missiles. In my rule set troops get a bonus to their morale when they get their picture taken, everyone likes to look good in front of the folks back home.
The missile systems are the old 1/76th scale from Eadai / Grip and also some newer reloads from another company. Various vehicles from Roco and Wiking. Figures from HaT, Odemars and Prieser.
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