Roco Stug III deployed in the open with one to the rear for resupply.
A closer side view of the same vehicles. Taking photos of vehicles outside on an overcast day works very well. You don't get the harsh shadows, and Roco can actually melt under a hot direct sun.
ARV with Stug III in the field.

Never throw anything away. This old Roco Panzer III has no turret. I could have tossed it out, or make it into something else. Nearly every military vehicle has several versions. Most WWII German vehicles that were used in combat had many versions.

With the addition of a few tools, fuel cans, wire, and other bits a Roco missing a part has become a useful addition to my collection.
Very nice assembly of Stugs. Also the conversion of the PZIII is good too. One can never have enuff command and maintenance vehicles.
Over the years I converted a PZIV, a PZV, 2 PZVI, and several halftracks. I guess a PZIII is next. Thanks for the inspiration.
You do good work, so your Panzer III conversion will be great I know. There were many versions of the Panzer III so you have lots to work with.
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