The new Pegasus 1/72nd scale Soviet WWII BA 6 armored car.
Soviet heavy assault gun, JSU 152.

Soviet KVI.

Soviet KVI.
Pegasus has a huge number of kits in the pipeline that are on the verge of release. They are essentially done, waiting for production, waiting for boxes to be printed, waiting to be packaged and waiting to be shipped. Over the next several month there should be many new Soviet WWII items from them.
More photos tomorrow.
Any idea when these will be available Mike? I need a dozen KV85's
Magic 8 Ball says "soon."
Do you know if the T34/76 is the one with "late" twin hatch style turret by any chance?
Other than the fact that they are doing a T/34-76 and that it is in the early stages of development I can't tell you anything about it. It will be a while before it is ready, but hopefully next year.
Thanks again, I already have 6 of their KV1(s) and they're really good, but look a tad small stacked up against PST's KV85's
I'm really looking forward to the armored cars and T34's
Save up your money, they are coming!
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