Russian General Staff and Hospital set has some very nice figures. I used the Strelets Cossacks headgear to make some of these guys into Cossacks for my WWII German Cossacks. I made some into a medical unit.
A few of the Cossacks were made into pioneers so that my Cossack regiment will have a small ability to prepare their encampments.

Some of the troops were upgraded with new uniform parts and new weapons. One here has a German helmet, the two kneeling men have the panzerfaust rocket launcher to give them a little staying power against Soviet tanks and the man in the back has an MP40 SMG. The Germans were short on everything except enemies and when thousands of Cossacks were willing to fight the Communists they were formed into cavalry units. More on the cavalry and wagons as I prepare them.
Very nice pieces pity they don't do them in 54mm
Thank you, look for more Cossacks on Bunker Talk.
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