This is a HaT Napoleonic Cossack with a head swap, and new weapon. Rather than a lance he has an MP 40 machine pistol. Quite an upgrade in weaponry. He is on a HaT French Napoleonic horse from their Limber set.
This horse rider is the same figure as before, but no head swap and he has a panzerfaust anti-tank rocket launcher. No wonder Napoleon had such a hard time in Russia!
These are more of the wagons that started off as baby cribs. I got them 12 for a dollar at a bridal party store. When shopping, think about other uses you can have for ordinary things you see every day. Some items like the columns used to hold up cakes are obvious for making buildings but others like this crib are a pretty good start for a traditional wagon. Wheels are from HaT wagons. I did two of these in gray with gold trim and two in green with steel trim.

I chose steel rather than silver because it makes it appear a bit more tarnished and subdued. These are my platoon wagons for my Christian and Muslim Cossack companies. Each company has a small wagon and a large wagon. I wanted to use traditional looking wagons for the platoon wagon because it gives more flavor to the unit. I could have just used regular German supply wagons but it would not have made the unit as interesting visually as these do for it. I painted the one set of horses black and the other set brown to further differentiate these two units from each other. One will be flocked on a green base and the second on a brown base.
I like to use different ways to denote wargame units without having to resort to simply writing a tag and putting it on the base. The use of color of animals, troops, vehicles and accessories makes an easy and attractive method of bringing units together. If I was more interested in painting details it would be even easier.
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