
Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Lost World

Professor Challenger and his party are lost in the forest.
Professor Summerlee wandered off and in their attempts to find him, they got lost themselves.
Lord Roxton is unperturbed, he has been lost in the wilderness many times, but always finds his way back.
Ed Malone, the correspondent, is just worried about getting his story back to the newspaper.
But Professor George Edward Challenger is worried about nothing except finding those dinosaurs and proving to every he is not a crank, or a liar, and that he did see them on his previous expedition.
Looks like one of the dinosaurs may have found him!
"Professor Challenger," Professor Summerlee asked, "what's that noise behind us?"

These are the new ElastoWit figures in 54mm.  I ordered them in April and after a series of adventures, they arrived yesterday.  I am so excited.  A full review of these and a few other sets that I got will get posted over the next few days.  Short version, I like them!  I like them a lot.

Check them out on Facebook.

The next group of photos should be better as the light was dimming the auto focus was giving me problems, and the grass is too tall!  But I wanted to get these out there as soon as I could. 

Make a comment below if you would.



Terrement said...

Reminds me of the Jeopardy Game where the Final Jeopardy Answer was "Dr. Livingston I Presume"

And the correct answer (in the form of a question) was:

"What is your full name, Dr Presume?"

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Never presume. You make a Pres out of U and Me.

Thanks for commenting Terrement.
