
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Smoke Tower

I purchased a 3D printed model of a forest service fire watch tower.
It is a bunch of mostly gray bits, no instructions but should not be too hard.
Made in China but they have a US address, and tracking says it shipped from China.  I don't know how that works.  I mocked it up for a quick view, not bad, I am considering buying another one or two.  You need three to get good triangulation on a smoke.
The roof piece is molded yellow and has obvious printing lines but given it's a roof it looks okay.

 No flash, lots of printing lines but since it is a "wooden" building they sort of look like wood grain.  I am happy with it.  Part of my US Forest Service Project.  I actually know a guy who does this kind of work, he gets a surprising number of smoke sightings that require a response.

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