
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Z and B Figures

Female adventurer with giant ray gun.
It is nice to have a more action oriented female character than some of the rather sedate ones we often get.
Could be painted skimpy or in a leotard type outfit so you have a lot of flexibility in the nature of the outfit.
Good figure.
Z for Zardoz, excellent revolver sculpt.
Good action pose, moving forward.  Sort of a ring hand on the left, maybe add another weapon of your choice.
Figures like these are generic enough to be used for many types of space and science fiction adventures, and the bottom one could be used for many partisans, civilians and others for the last 150 years or so.

ElastoWit figures, made in Ukraine from a rather rubbery plastic, no flash and nice detail.



Scarlet said...

Jane Fonda & Sean Connery... .nice

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Thanks for reading and thanks for the comment Scarlet!

Scarlet said...

The Films are

Barbarella, 1968 directed by Roger Vadim, based on the French comic series of the same name by Jean-Claude Forest. Starring Jane Fonda as Barbarella a space traveller and representative of the United Earth government sent to find scientist Durand Durand,

Zardoz, 1974 written, produced, and directed by John Boorman, starring Sean Connery and Charlotte Rampling.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Yes, quite so. Neither are favorite movies of mine, I have seen them both, I like the figures a lot better.