
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chemical Attack Rules

Chemical Weapons Wargame Rules

Unprotected troops that are caught within the area of a chemical attack, suffer a 50% chance to be affected by the chemical in the first turn. Unprotected troops that do not escape the contaminated area the next turn become victims of the chemical. Troops with pressurized protective gear are fully protected from the chemicals. Units with attached chemical detection equipment are notified of the type of chemical being used.

Lethal gas kills the victims. Non-lethal gas immobilizes the victims into a hold/melee condition for five turns after exposure to the chemical ends. Unprotected troops exposed to chemical agents may not fire at all. Partially protected troops shoot with 20% deductions from normal. Fully protected troops shoot 20% deducted from normal and may only move at a walk.

Each chemical agent is classified as lethal, non-lethal, or herbicidal and also either persistent or non-persistent. Persistent agents last until they have been decontaminated. The effectiveness of non-persistent agents degrades automatically. Non-persistent chemicals affect an area within an artillery template appropriate to the weapon size. This affected area moves with the wind for three turns. The area under the template is affected only for one turn. Persistent chemicals spread like non-persistent chemicals and the area under the templates remain affected until decontaminated.

MOPP Mission Oriented Protective Posture chance to kill
No MOPP Level, unprotected, no protective mask. 50%
1. Fatigues with protective mask only. 30%
2. Fatigues with protective mask, hood, gloves, and body armor. 20%
3. Overgarment over fatigues or fatigues over protective liner. 10%
4. Level 3 with addition of mask, hood, gloves, and body armor. 5%

Chemical Agent Types:

NERVE SARIN- Non-Persistent, Lethal, mask & protective clothing, brown cotton.

BLISTER MUSTARD- Persistent, Lethal, mask & protective clothing, orange cotton.

BLOOD HYDROGEN CYANIDE- Non-Persistent, Lethal, mask only, pink cotton.

CHOKING PHOSGENE- Non-Persistent, Lethal, mask only, green cotton.

TEAR GAS (CN)- Non-Persistent, Non-lethal, mask only, gray cotton.

When chemical agents are employed, lay down white cotton balls as if firing smoke. Resolve the casualties within the template without revealing the type of chemical agent. The type of chemical agent will not be revealed until the victim uses detection gear. When the victims of the chemical attack detect the type of agent, replace the white cotton balls with the appropriate colored cotton balls for the agent employed.


Jim. said...

MOPP 1 is the suit
MOPP 2 is suit and boots
MOPP 3 is the suit, boots, and gloves
MOPP 4 is all the above with the mask and hood [one piece and a real pain if you are claustrophobic].
The Russians have a similar system in how they wear their cape and mask.
The theory is that you get the more time consumin items on first.
Also, MOPP 4 is the only stage at which you have to have the suit buttoned up.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

You wear that around the house don't you?