
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Chinese With Swords

This is an officer figure from the new Caesar Miniatures Chinese WWII Infantry in 1/72nd scale. These are great figures. Most of the set is in a nice blue color and some are in a light grey.

These Chinese have big swords, and are very well done. I anticipate getting at least four boxes of these excellent figures.

These are some of the other figures in the set, the advancing and firing troops. The Chinese were at war with the Japanese for about ten years and then were in nearly constant combat after World War Two in Civil War, and then the Korean War and various border disputes with the Soviet Union, India, and Vietnam as well as invasions of Mongolia and Nepal. Despite all this modern conflict this is the only set from a major company for any 20th Century Chinese troops.

These will be great troops for those Indiana Jones scenarios, Chinese Warlord games, Pulp Games, and other such role playing and wargames. I have to figure out a way to get a few of these guys into Berlin. Perhaps some could be a part of a Soviet Union Siberian Division, or maybe a merchant crew that got stuck in Germany. At first I thought they might be good Chinese embassy guards, but China declared war on German December 9, 1941, so that's out.

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