
Tuesday, December 18, 2018


The Penguin!

Where is the Dynamic Duo?

Buying a new helicopter!

Hot Wheels has made a lot of Batman items.

This is one of them.

I may put a Batman decal on this somewhere.

This helicopter comes in several color versions.


Bob G. said...

Gotta give it top ' have a knack for finding the wildest stuff.
Nicely done.

Carry on.

Gary Panter said...

Hi Mike I agree with Bob you've got me in the habit of any time I go to the toy aisle or the dollar store and see something interesting I always think to myself 'I wonder what Mike would do with it'. Have a good night buddy

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Thanks G.
All you gotta do is look for it!

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Thanks Gary, I do kind of have an eye for scale. I can look at most things and tell if they will work for my stuff. Dollar stores are gold mines, and so are hobby stores like Jo Anns and Hobby Lobby.
Thanks for reading.