
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Fascist Italy

Lifelike made a host of American style buildings for decades.

This one was called the Woodlawn Police Station.

It's an HO scale plastic kit.

The original kit is molded in several colors, you can often find unpainted used ones.

I decided to make mine into an RSI headquarters.

I downloaded a number of posters from the Internet and printed them out in tiny sizes.

The kit has little flash and goes together well.

The fascines on the light poles and the columns at the entrance to the front door give a very Fascist look to the building.

The fascine is a symbol of Mussolini's Italy.


shintokamikaze said...

Great job, I would have made it a little more generic to use in a lot of settings

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Shintokamikaze, that is an excellent idea.

The glue I used is restickable glue so I can pull the posters off and replace them with new posters or leave them off so the building will work for other settings. It's like making any piece of paper into a post it note.

The flagpole is also only stuck into a hole, so it can be swapped out also.

Thanks for reading.