Pegasus WWI French with Caesar Miniatures WWI French. You can see the sizes are very good together.

Since most large figure companies don't have full time employees, but rather contract the master sculpting, mold making and actual production they are at the mercy of those contractors. Sometimes they work very closely together and sometimes they have very little contact with each other. These figures are great and they should be in stores by the end of the year.
suppose you can mix and match some of each (??rifle) to get a good WW1 and good WW2 mix of poses etc
cheers karcuss
While I did not try that, with the glueable plastic that certainly would be easy. The poses between the two Pegasus sets are similar, but by swapping weapons you get the uniform variety of the WWI kit vs the WWII kit.
Pegasus WW1 French? It seems I have missed something.
Thanks for reminding me!
Yes, Uwe, WWI and WWII Pegasus French. Both are great.
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