
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Batman and Joker

All around good guy Billy Hill has sent me a few 54mm Batman metal figures.

While the set is called Batman I am at a loss for the inclusion of all these figures since I am not aware of a direct Batman connection for all of the characters.  However, the Batman universe is vast and I am sure there is a connection that I am simply not aware of.  Here is Joker and She Hulk.  Joker I know, and while I have heard of She Hulk, she is not a character I am familiar with to a great degree.  I don't know the connection between her and Batman, if any.

She hulk again, same figure, in two different pictures.  Along with Thor, a great figure and wonderful pose.  Not sure of his Batman connection either.  I suspect She Hulk may get painted as a somewhat muscular Catwoman.

Thor is useful, in some comics he fights FOR Germany in WWII, so even in 54mm he may appear in some Minitanks size games!

Silver Surfer, as I know him he  is the Herald of Galactus.  I have the about 12 inch tall Hero-Clix Galactus and so this figure may serve him in 54mm size games and the1/72nd scale version might serve Galactus in Minitank size games.  Again, not sure of the Batman connection, but a good figure, I like that he is surfing on clouds!

Finally, the Batman himself.  A great figure.  Thank you again Billy Hill for providing me with these awesome figures.

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