
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Naval Landing Party Adventure

A naval landing party in the jungle explores the undiscovered island.

Suddenly they come across a herd of brachiosaurus dinosaurs.

The astonished sailors stand in awe of the monstrous beasts.

No recoilless rifle on the Weasel, so lets hope they don't charge.

This one is giving them the "eye."

Will he attack!?

No, he just fades away....


Gary Panter said...

I always enjoy the stories Mike.Dollar Tree is doing their Christmas Village buildings in plastic again. Here they've got a train station,post office and a house. I'm going to get about five bucks worth see what I can do with them. Maybe use them for spare parts and repairs to other buildings. have a good day

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Looks like a visit to Dollar Tree might be in order! Thanks for the tip. I have picked up a few buildings at Wal-Mart this year, pics soon.
