
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Astro Rangers in the Jungle

A team of US Army Astro Rangers, US Navy Sailors, and regular GI's a few civilians and Dr. Karl Handrickson are exploring the jungle of Panama.

Dr. Handrickson brought his granddaughter, Gretchen, with him, she lives in the Canal Zone.

Reports have come in of strange wildlife and ranchers finding the remains of cattle.

Dr. Handrickson is one of the most renowned scientists in the world.  He oversees much of the US Army Astro Ranger program.  The troops train in Panama to help them adapt to strange environments.

Soon men will walk on Mars, and they will face unknown dangers.  They brought one of the new Astro Bazookas, lighter weight, but a larger rocket than the standard bazooka.

This trip is part of the field test, and also a bit of exploration.

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