A group of fifty year old Tim Mee Toys plastic 60 mm army men marching in my backyard.

Tim Mee toys motorcycle troops, jeep and cannon. The cannon is similar to the French 75 with rubber tires as used by the US Army at least until 1942. I use MPC ring hand figures as artillery crews. Note in the far background is a mine sweeper guy.

Wounded stream back from the battlefront. Second litter is carried by four medics. The same medics and stretcher can be used for one medical man at each end or two. Nurse greets the first wounded man, dog waits in lower corner. Another stretcher team walks back to the front, escorted by a recovered wounded man returning to the front.

Machine gun squad lays down a field of fire on the enemies flank. More troops bring up extra ammo as the machine guns eat up ammo very quickly.

Film crew captured the incident. Note the right flank protected by sniper with telescope on his bolt action rifle and his prone #2.
None of the figures in this group are newer than 1968 and all are in great shape. Many of these are from my personal collection from when I was a child and are at least 45 years old. Some are more recent purchases but are still that old.
In the 70's, I purchased a lot of the newer Tim Mee type troops at K-Mart. I used them as training aids for teaching my scout platoons how to give a SALUTE Report. I'd position groups of troops and vehicles at about 25 yards, give my troops field glasses, and have them tell me what they saw.
Great plan, COL Jim. Low cost, good results. Can't ask for better training.
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