Another new set just about to hit the shelves is coming from Pegasus. It will be a great new set also, another new direction for Pegasus. I hope to be able to announce more about this set in the next few days too.
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One man has binoculars and the other could be a space man or a race car driver. Any ideas on who made these interesting figures?
Its difficult to see all details, but soviet pilots flying high altitude planes had flight suits and helmets very similar to those worn by astronauts or cosmonauts, if Russians.
I still have one of those high altitude anti-g suits with the very interesting feature of having duct channels to connect to hot air outlets. The circulating kept the pilot warm, even in very low temperatures.
Hi Nuno, I doubt they are Soviets, but you never know. That little circle on the front may be a coupler for such a duct. So you may be close.
Were you a pilot, or a collector or just have a strange wardrobe?
I had a flight license, not valid anymore, am a collector and have a strange wardrobe.
This may seems stupid, but connecting that flight suit to any source of hot air is very relaxing. I once tested it in my car by diverting one air duct and could drive without the hood in the winter :)
Not stupid at all Nuno. I read about a cop who fixed up his body armor to a vent in his car air conditioning so that when he was in the vehicle it would cool him. So you are not the only one.
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