HaT makes this nice model of a Napoleonic Pontoon Bridge set. This is a pre-production one in purple. The real ones should be in stores any second now.
This HaT WWII German soldier in the pontoon and next to the HO scale Opel Blitz truck shows the size of these. I have been using Imex Conestoga Wagons wheels and undercarriages and horses for other wagons, but that has left me with the wagon boxes and canopy.

I figure the HaT pontoon is a bit small for running Tiger tanks over, so I think I may use the Conestoga Wagon boxes to make giant size pontoons for my WWII German heavy tank units.

Other than some simple planning I have done nothing to forward this project, but it has been added to the list of things to do. I also have to wait until the HaT pontoon bridges are available.
I try not to throw anything away that is left over after a conversion project, the best ones are those were everything from all the kits involved is used up. I am thinking the extra HaT pontoons will be used as boats, barges, rafts and such.
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