
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Bond and Ninjas

James Bond comes upon a group of the Red Bamboo!
One man against a force of perhaps dozens.
Then Tiger Tanaka's Ninjas arrive.
Bond is saved.
The two groups are in a stand off?

 Who will win?


Anonymous said...

Oh man, this is so good. Where'd you get the Japanese yankee trucks? Bad ass!!!

Do you have rules for this showdown? British engineering and a stiff upper lip vs Japanese aesthetics and the Shogun spirit?

Always love your stuff.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

The Japanese trucks are Hot Wheels, I got them at Wal-Mart maybe six months ago. Nice thing about Hot Wheels is you can always get them on eBay but shop around, prices vary a lot. And Hot Wheels often re-issues old models so they come around again, sometimes.

I use my own set of home grown rules. I have published excerpts here on Bunker Talk from time to time. A search for wargame rules should bring those pages up.

Thanks for reading Forper.
