
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Premiering Pegasus Paratroopers!

Pegasus soft plastic WWII German Paratroopers.

One piece figures in 1/32nd scale.

Perfect for skirmish wargaming.  I visited Larry Pegasus at his shop this week and he had this pre-production test shot that he gave to me so I would post photos on my blog.  Great figures as always.  Even this test shot is perfect.  More Pegasus news soon!


Lou said...

They look great. Hope we get to see them in 1/72!

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Check back every day. They are right here on my desk waiting to be photographed and posted.

pylgrym said...

Of course they will come in FELDGRAU ...

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Test shots are done in whatever plastic was in the machine at the time. They are still considering the color choice. Thanks for reading pylgrym.

Tsold9000 said...

they look really good!! same style as their russians.hope ya post the 1/72 pics soon

Chris Kemp said...

The anatomy is excellent.

Kind regards, Chris

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Hi Tsold, posting more pics is on the agenda. I plan on taking more pics of both sizes today.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Yes, the anatomy is very good. Thanks Chris.

cooey2ph said...

very nice, will it be released in both 1/32 and 1/72?

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Yes, I have prototypes of both. Pics of the 1/72nd scale sets soon.