In WWII the Germans were very far advanced in many technical acheivements, one was the anti-aircraft missile, as here the Wasserfall, in HO scale my ArsenalM.

The rocket is much like a miniature V-2 missile in shape. I got mine from Randy, at Fidelis Models.

The kit is flash free, resin and photo etched metal. The resin is okay, but I don't like working with PE in general. It's great for looks but not quite durable enough for wargame handling.

This is the grill on the base, a little trolly to carry the missile and the stand that the missile sits on top of on the trolly.

This is the terrain base. It has a bottom bit that I intend to cut off and make it sit flat. It won't be as accurate but it will be more suitable for wargaming.
Wow that guy makes some of the most obscure stuff. never seen a Wasserfahl model before
It is a neat little missile. I like the attractive shape.
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