This week I got the new Late War German Infantry from Plastic Soldier company.

They are actually made in the UK rather in China.

Three identical sprues of hard plastic figures, with no flash and no errors.

The sizing is nice, shown here with a Revell 1/72nd scale soldier. More as I trim them off the sprue.
It is interesting how hard plastic is appearing in 1/72 scale.
These come from a basic CAD plan
so they can do them, and they are in 28mm and 15mm up and down scaling there are boxes of T-34 to male up several types i think 3 in 1/72 and 5(/) in 15mm
which Bunker will be aware of
to "make up" not "male up"
nice work again Bunker
get your knife and saw out and the Styrene Glue
Many people like hard plastic for the ability to hold glue and paint.
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