With the heritage of Metropolis, I, Robot, and GI Robot along with many others, I introduce the first of my PAeL Automatons!
Bunker Talk blog with 30,000 photos of my toy soldier collection of Roco Minitanks, Heiser Models, Fidelis Models, Airfix and Pegasus figures; and 54mm & 60mm plastic soldiers from Tim Mee, Elastowit, BMC, MPC. Be sure to follow Bunker Talk. Email at BunkerMeister45@aol.com. Get merch at: https://www.redbubble.com/people/bunkertalkwar/shop
What a great birthday present! It really shows that you have a thoughtful, supportive and loving family. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the sculpts.
Love your work Bunker
Waiting for the painted up
Love that .30 cal
I have the best wife. eHarmony worked for me!
Painted up versions on the way because you asked for it!
Because you have to paint them!!
Unless you send me some and i'll paint them up for you (grin)
All the Best (and to all)
Go wait by the mailbox.
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