This old soldier is the Roco Strumgeschutz III. They have been around over 30 years and it is still a good, sturdy wargame model. The kit is only a few parts, upper and lower hull, two rear road wheels, cannon, machine gun shield, and hatch and two side skirts, not shown here. Only seven pieces so it goes together quickly.
A few extra bits on this model makes it look much better. I added some extra track links on the side of the superstructure and a few fuel cans on the back as well as a machine gun in the shield.
The fuel cans were places all over these vehicles in real life. I glued them in several different ways for a bit of variety.
Very nice. A few bits here and there, gas cans, track, boxes, etc, improves any model.
Interesting color variations on you pics too. The first pic looks like Testors Modelmaster Army Marines Gulfwar 4812. And the other 3 look like a Floquil color I've been using for years, a "dark yellow", SP Armor yellow F110133.
Nice work.
Even in peacetime vehicles pick up lots of gear, and in wartime they pick up so much extra stuff.
I have about 50 of these vehicles and some are camo, some are solid, and lots of color variation. Some I did and some I got used. The Germans had a lot of different colors, and applied them in the field so there was much variation.
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