Caesar Miniatures have released their new WWII French Infantry set. This is another great set from Caesar. There are 37 figures in the box, which is a few less than the industry norm, but every one of them is a gem.
These two excellent figures certainly capture the spirit of maneuver demonstrated by the French army when faced with the onslaught of the German blitzkrieg. Hard to believe these are one piece figures.
These are very helpful figures. I like the marching guy, I look forward to seeing other people do dioramas of a large number of these guys in formation. They would be terrific. As usual, these figures are flash free and come with a little nub on them that needs to be trimmed. I pulled them off for the photos but did not trim them yet.

This is a great officer figure. My friend Jim said it looked like the officer can't decide if he wants to shoot the pistol or surrender. More in a couple days.
Those are very nice. I just wish my local supplier would get off their butt. They still don't have the Caesar releases from December.
Brookhurst Hobbies sells mail order as does Michigan Toy Soldier Company. Postage will be pricey but Casear are limited production, when they are gone that's it.
I found out on the web yesteday that Vichy Franch maintained 500 soldiers and a government until April 22, 1945 so pretty late war. I will use mine for that I suspect.
Hello, Bunkermeister,
It was very interresting to visit your Blog about the littles plastic soldiers...
But I would like to comment about what you'r saying in the picture with the two French soldiers :
" These two excellent figures certainly capture the spirit of maneuver demonstrated by the French army when faced with the onslaught of the German blitzkrieg."
You seem to believe that the German Blitzkrieg in May-June 1940 was not a " gently health promenade".
I would like to say to you that during this 45 days (10. may-22 june),about 90.000 French soldiers were dead and 250.000 injured for about 57.100 German dead.
The german army losted 1/3 of its panzer and 1/3 of its plane, including 20% of the precious Me 109.
It's a fact that everywhere in the world, people are thinking that the French army lost the war in 1940 because the French soldier didn't want to fight. It's a mistake, the French soldier was courageous and full of fighting spirit.
the Head Commander failled, thinking that the war will be the same of the WW 1.(position war opposite the movement position), thinking that the tank had to be a support of the infantry (and not the contrary)and thinking there was no use to have radio aboard.
and of course, there was no link between the Armée de l'Air and the ground forces.
In 1940, the French army was a beautiful army with splendid equipment and a heart. The fault was to give it to very old generals who wanted to make the war they 've already made 22 years before.
I really don't want to argue here, I just would like to replace the right thinks in the right place.
Never mind, It's was a real pleasure to read that the poor 1940 French soldier still interrests 70 years after.
Pascal Leroux
Thank you for reading the blog. Your observations on the battles in France in 1940 are very correct. The French soldier was and always has been, a brave man and when well lead will bring victory to his great nation!
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