
Saturday, December 25, 2021


The General and the Scientist confer about the dead beast.
How can we get it back to the museum?
We need to decontaminate this whole area first.

We were lucky, the new projectiles worked.
Godzilla Wrangler clears the field.

1 comment:

Terrement said...

The mistake that a lot of people make is to think that there is a single "Godzilla"

That would be like saying there was just one T-Rex

Remember that there is the son of Godzilla in some of the movies. Implies there is a Mom of Godzilla as well. If you accept that logical construct, then there could easily be multiple Godzilla Families.

The same is true for other monster lines. There was at least one "son of Kong"

Absence of proof does not equal proof of absence. Just because aren't aware of the others, and don't know where to look doesn't mean they aren't there. For example, Godzilla has been around for quite a while. Yet prior to two movies ago, no one knew of the specific male and female MUTOs that were the villains in that movie. Why would there only be those two? What other different types exist but haven't made the world aware of them?
Are they in the unexplored hollow earth? Travel to and from different dimensions or parallel realities? Somewhere else with some other explanation(s)?

The truth is out there... and if you follow the news, also a heck of a lot of fiction!