
Friday, October 27, 2017

Load the Trucks

Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics.  Well, here are some of my WWII US Army logistics.  Mostly Paul Hieser Models 2 1/2 ton cargo trucks.  They actually carry 5 tons on roads and 2 1/2 tons off road.

The short bed trucks were used by the artillery.  The complaint was that ammo is heavy and artillery crews often over load their trucks.  So the spare tires were put up front and the bed shortened to cut the size of the cargo space and help prevent over loading.

My open trucks have a removable plastic insert that holds various cargoes; ammo, supplies, tools.

I also resin cast them and so have truck loads of boxes and oil drums.

Left over tank parts, and even electric motors become cargo for these Eager Beaver trucks.

Everyone needs a spare tire now and again.

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