Pegasus continues to add to their range of historical figures with a new set of 49ers! Gold miners from the early history of California. During the gold rush people came to California from all over the world and sought their fortunes in the gold fields. Atlantic made a nice set of gold miners 30 years ago, but now Pegasus has jumped their claim and we will get another chance to recreate this great turning point in American history.
Pegasus has been kind enough to allow me this sneak peek at their new Gold Rush set in 1/72nd scale. Yes, they are doing these figures in 1/72nd scale now! This is only a pre-production sample so the final set will be different, but you can get a taste for these guys from the photos. The size is good, they fit in well with the other Pegasus figures, no scale creep giants here!
Miners used a variety of methods to sift through the dirt to obtain gold. Since gold is such a heavy metal, swishing dirt and water around in a pan will wash out the dirt and leave the metal. Many types of boxes were tried to do the same job and many of those in this set are using sluice boxes to get a little color. Dirt was dropped in the box, water added, the box was agitated and the water would wash away the dirt, leaving the gold. Hard work to be sure, but gold is a great motivator.
This set will also feature at least four pack animals. There have been many requests for pack animals of late and this set will help to address that issue. Two different beasts are heavily laden with supplies for miners. One thing I always look for in sets is alternate uses for the models and certainly these pack animals can be used from Roman times until at least the Korean War.
This set also features the first time Chinese American figures have been made in plastic in 1/72nd scale! At least three poses have the long braid down the back that was typical of Chinese males in California in the early 19th Century. Thousands of Chinese came here to work the gold fields and it is great to see their contribution recognized in miniature. Looks like some of these guys may see double duty in my Boxer Rebellion armies too! Two of them are seen above carrying a heavy load on a pole and third is working a box sifter. That sifter may be cut off and a real box replacing it for my Boxers!
The man pushing the ore cart is nicely detailed. This is a three part figure, wheels, ore cart body and man all fit together perfectly and make a nice little set. Reminds me of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom!
The miner with a shovel, the two animals and Chinese men make a good little diorama. A small supply train working their way to the gold fields. The man with the shovel also has a rifle slung on his shoulder because it was a lawless time.
This is a pre-production sample. Companies run these samples so they can determine if the set is ready to go into production. This set is not ready, but it is very close. The man with the rifle is carrying a shovel too, and the blade of the shovel is not really formed. Apart from this I saw no flaws in the set, and I know I will be buying several. While I don't know, I anticipate the final set will be made in reddish brown, like the Imex Pioneers, who would go well with these guys.
Several of the figures have separate arms and everything fit well and glued with regular model glue. There was no flash and it took me all of a few minutes to cut them off the sprue and get them to work. As a pre-production set, the final set may vary in color, and number of specific poses, so don't plan on them being exactly like this, but they will be a great set and very useful.
Those are absolutely fantastic! I've recently decided to drop 1:64 scale and have been getting into this size - I really love these.
Great blog - you can be sure that I'll be back!
Welcome Dane of War! Hope to see you again soon and love that you left a comment!
1/72nd scale has tens of thousands of different figures from ancient times to science fiction, so you won't be disappointed.
In the last few years we have added nearly 100 new figure sets per year, one new set at least every week. And many more in the pipeline and you will see many of them here first.
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