
Friday, December 11, 2020

James Bond

 James Bond cars in front of the casino.

His new Toyota 2000.

Sean Connery was so tall they made a special convertible version of this limited production car just for the movie.

It's a beautiful car, I think.

A bit like a Jaguar.

They look good together.


scrull dj said...

Nice!! Pics!!!

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Thanks Scrull DJ. Good to see you here.

JaimeMMP said...

Hi Mike! Mr Bond's rides are really cool... I used to have the Toyota in a bigger scale, I think Corgi did it? Wow, eons ago. Keep up the good stuff! Jaime

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Thanks Jaime, keep reading this series goes on for a while. Yes, Corgi did do some and so has Hot Wheels.