
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Pistol vs Tank

James Bond confront's Doctor No's dragon!

It has wheels and smells like diesel fumes.
It is not a dragon, it is a tank.
But like a dragon, it breathes fire!
A 9mm short pistol vs a fire breathing tank.
Only one outcome possible.


tsold3000 said...

Like Tom Hanks at the end of Saving Private Ryan.That tank has a submarine look to it.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Yes, or Patton shooting at the German bombers. It does look like a primitive sub.
Thanks for reading tsold.

Playmonaut said...

That Caesar bond is a great figure.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

He is, I bought more of their SAS sets just to get that figure!
I wish they did a whole set of James Bond.