WWI US Army infantryman advances towards the giant robot.
WWI US Army soldier with his giant robot ally.
Blue Robot with yellow base.
Blue Robot with Robbie the Robot.
Blue Robot with Robot B9.
Blue Robot with Water Heater Robot from Elastowit in 1/32nd scale.
I like that the robots all wind up being roughly the same height— you can use them at any scale that way, as either opponents or allies or just scenic filler. Great find.
Me too. The LIS Robot B9 is Johnny Lightening and the Robby is some short run plastic figure, the Water Heater Robot is Elastowit. They and the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots are all within the margin of error. The others I use mostly with my 54/ 60mm figures and I am sure these will be used for that scale too, but given their style I intend to use them with my 1/72nd scale troops too.
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