These are the Airfix RAF Personnel set. I have a few already that I use for WWII German Naval Aviation troops. The Kriegsmarine patterned some of their uniforms after the UK and much of this type of clothing is similar in style in this size anyway. I got another set to break up and use for several purposes. This guy is perfect for a 1930s aviator, several super hero types flew planes in that era so at least one of these guys will take on that role. I may also use them for 1938 US Army Air Corps pilots.
The woman in the skirt will likely become an police officer for my US police project. The women with .30 caliber machine guns will deploy with my Lee / Grant tank factory. Women were used in that factory and often even test drove the tanks. As part of my 1938 War of the Worlds project there may even be an anachronistic female tank crew from that factory. Maybe they will staff an M2 medium tank rather than the M3 Lee.
Two well done figures. I need more of the one in the skirt, so if you have any extras, let me know in the comments!
I may try and remove the machine gun and try and figure out what else this pose is good for.
Only one of these comes in the RAF set but I would like a dozen or more. Not likely to buy that many of these sets just for the one figure.
One of the sprues. The camera men and paddle men may work in my race car crews.
The pilot in this sprue is very nice too, again at least one will likely become a 1930's super hero. The fueling guy would world for auto racing. The officer in the lower right corner probably 1938 USA Air Corps.
Bicycle riders could be US Army, or maybe even early police, or even civilians. The rocket carrying guys may get ladders or pipes or something. The men pushing the cars are likely pushing a car for auto racing.
The final sprue, chocks away for the USA Air Corp, ammo guy and machine gun guy also Air Corp, or maybe tank crews. Man towing the cart not sure yet, and the other guy with air gun filling plane tires? I think
Back of the box is nice.
For a set that is 50 years old it has held up very well.
These are really nice figures. They'll go well along with the different H0/00 Airfix RAF vehicles. I think there were 3 sets; Emergency, Recovery and Refueling.
That's what I remember too. I think I still have a couple of the figures from the Emergency set.
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