
Friday, January 31, 2025

More RAF

RAF Personnel guy with a bomb.  1/72nd scale soft plastic from Airfix.  I may use him for WWI US Army Air Corps.  Put an M1917 helmet on him perhaps.
I like that these figures have essentially no flash and the thin bits like the handles here are excellent.
Camera, can be uses for my US Army Air Corps.
These may be used for race cars, they often have big tool chests and other gear containers.
The rockets are cool, but not sure how I will use them, maybe WWII US Army Air Force.  Perhaps swap the headgear to ball caps.
Chocks away, good figure for US Army Air Corps.
If you love your machine gun, give it a hug.
I think this guy is putting air in the tires of a big airplane.  But not really sure.
Pilot and officer, probably US Army Air Corps the officer just US Army WWII, it looks like an Ike jacket.
Fueling and ammo feeding.  These guys will probably become 1938 US Army Air Corps.


Robert said...

That's not a tool cart they're dragging, it's a battery accumulator trolley

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Well thanks Robert, I had no idea. After owning one of these sets for 50 years I finally found out what it is supposed to be. Very cool.