
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Germans In the Defensive

Caesar 1/72nd scale WWII Germans in the snow.  These are a mix of several different sets from them.
I took a small brush and brushed out trenches for the troops.  In real life soft snow would provide no protection for the troops, but packed snow would provide a little bit.
More men advance along the communications trench.
They are armed with the SG-44 assault rifle and other automatic weapons.
The Tiger III with the small turret.
Grille with the FlaK 37 gun.
Anti-tank / anti-aircraft company headquarters and supply depot.  Roco SWS halftrack and Kubelwagen.
Sound detector to listen for the Russian advance at night.

1 comment:

Roger said...

In the snow these 'grey' unpainted Germans looks just fine. I tried to make a B/W with unpainted grey Germans and green Americans last summer, but they were almost camouflaged in the final images due to all background colors. I'll have some full colored images in true winter scenery coming up this Friday on my blog though.