
Friday, March 21, 2025

Vietnam War US Army

These are great troops.  1/72nd scale soft plastic US Army troops for Vietnam.  Unlike the Esci / Italeri figures which are rather thin, and even sort of comic book looking these guys look like they are in the war.
You get a infantry group and a command group.  43 figures is a perfect size for a Vietnam era plastoon.
First figure has an M14 rifle and a Stetson hat.  A bit Hollywood but a great pose.  Probably do a head swap on a few of these and give them a regular M1 helmet.
Advancing at the ready with an M16 rifle.  Look at all the gear he is packing!
M16 at the hip, fire while advancing, walking fire.  Note the extra canteens.
Radioman with smoke grenades.  I am popping smoke.  I identify yellow smoke.  Roger, yellow smoke.

You discharge a smoke grenade and the helicopter pilot tells you what color smoke he sees.  You confirm he has picked the right color so that if the enemy has also thrown smoke your pilot will still know where to land.

I love the gear on these guys, clearly they did not just dismount from a helicopter unless they are planning to walk back to base.  Note the quality of the casting and depth of detail.  Great figures.


Roger said...

Very nice sculpts and details too!
About the Esci figures I've noticed that some of them have strange proportions too, and sometimes oversized weapons. Especially in the older sets.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

I dislike some of their strange poses. The Esci WWII German Paratroopers have gun with his machine gun barrel in the dirt and two left handed firing poses.