Crouching and reloading. Shoot, move to cover, reload, shoot, advance.Running forward, always forward. M16 armed soldier.Loading the blooper. A 40mm grenade launcher. My favorite weapon to shoot of all time. Only fired it a couple times on the range. Load, close the breech, aim, fire, wooooop, boom! It flies so slowly that you can see the grenade in the air before it hits. Two direct hits center of mass.Grenade thrower. What I like about this set is the figures are well sculpted, highly accurate and give a great variety of weapons for an Army platoon.LAW rocket, the grandson of the Panzerfaust. Fire one time, throw it away. Disposable anti-tank rocket. Used in Vietnam against bunkers mostly. Easy to use and pretty accurate. I fired one in training on a range, the training version fired a tiny rocket at a full size M48 tank withe extra armor. It was very cool.Kneeling and firing. Aim high into the trees, or maybe because the enemy is far away to compensate for bullet drop over distance.M60 machine gun, can be carried and fired by one man but having a loader is helpful since the ammo is heavy and gets used up quickly.Here is the loader.
Nice poses!
I like the LAW shooter, as he has a spare, They usually carries 2 of them. He should probably have a rifle as well though. In Norway these are named M-72 (and are manufactured here). I've fired a live rocket once....
I checked the figure carefully and he does have M16 ammo pouches, so apparently he left the rifle propped up against a tree so he could move forward and get a clear shot unencumbered by the rifle. Firing a life rocket must have been pretty cool. I hope you got the NVA Tank.
He-he... it was an old VW Golf "Familien-Panzer" at the proving ground.
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