
Monday, March 10, 2025

Supply and HQ

Roco sound detector as a ground mount.
I keep every little bit of equipment that I get with models.  Second row, middle has a Lewis gun on it that is metal.  I have no idea where I got it.  The Germans used a lot of old and captured equipment and often issued it to artillery and other second line units.
The unit headquarters.  These would be a few meters apart so a random shell would not get both of them.
The sound detector is not normal gear for a unit like this but I like to add extra stuff now and again.
Four gun batter with ammo dump, and headquarters deployed.
Just a little bit of scrap plastic, flocked after adding a couple small boxes and instant HQ.
Sometimes models give you a few rounds for use in dioramas or for the troops to hold.  I like to save them up to make ammo dumps.  The quantity is only notional as the dump is usually considered to have a reasonable supply of ammo unrelated to the actual quantity on the plastic card.

It's projects like this one that are the reason that I save up every bit of sheet plastic.  Even a one inch square is enough.  I also keep boxes, oil drums, barrels, small arms, and other supplies sorted out into boxes so that I can find the quickly, in theory, when I need them for a project.

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