
Monday, January 29, 2024

Star Trek

It has always seemed strange to me that none of the many plastic figure companies that make 1/72nd scale soft plastic figures no one ever made Star Trek figures.
The TV show was popular and despite being cancelled after only three seasons, they did come back with movies, cartoons, other TV shows and video games.
So I recently decided that I would just have to make them myself.
When you look at Star Trek uniforms they basically are a pullover shirt, and pants, jumpsuits, and for women, short skirts and nylons.
All of their gear is very small, most not even as large as a tablet.
This is part of a the bridge section of the Playmates Starship Enterprise playset that was available about 30 years ago.  I added a new long wall with new computer screens and buttons.  It was not my intention to create an exact replica of the Enterprise from The Original Series.  I wanted a reasonable representation of a starship that had reasonable play value.  This is mostly cardboard and more in the nature of a mock up rather than my final version.  My intention is to create a few more rooms of the starship and eventually do them in plastic.


jeigheff said...

Very creative! I like it.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Thank you it was fun, glad you liked it.


Legion4 said...

IIRC AMT did a model of the Enterprise Bridge. With all the bridge crew e.g. Kirk, Spock, etc. And a couple other crew figures with optional heads ...

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Yes, I had that set decades ago, sadly long gone.

Thanks for reading Mr.4.