
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Lee Tank Parts and Sorting

The Germans captured several Lee tanks, from the US Army and Russia, mostly.  My plan is to field one as the Kummersdorf Army testing tank, captured by the Germans in North Africa from North Africa.  The other one I intend to use a a captured tank from Russia and I am going to paint it as a George Washington Legion tank.  It probably did not exist, or if it did exist is was a propaganda rather than actual combat unit.  I am building a small, platoon size unit with a couple tanks and a few other vehicles.  The troops will fight on the Russian front and are equipped with a variety of US and German weapons and equipment.
Grant tanks, the main difference is the turret, sand skirts, and the storage boxes from American Lee tanks.
I have been inspecting and sorting my Lee tanks and putting them into boxes once they are complete as North African Lee tanks.
Part of my plan is to build a battalion of Lee tanks for North African, US Army use.  I am still doing some of the research.
I got some small boxes to hold my Lee / CDL turrets in when they are not in use on the tanks.
Extra parts.  As I build the Lees I choose from two different 37mm guns, three different 75mm guns.
 three sets of side hatches or not side hatches, different storage boxes and other bits and bobs.


jeigheff said...

I like how you organize your projects. Very thorough.

A minute ago, I sought some online information on The George Washington Legion. in the past, I'd heard that a handful of American POWs joined the Germans as SS soldiers, but their numbers were negligible. That's pretty much what I read today.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek said...

Thank you J. The US had one defector and a handful of POWs who joined the Germans but the George Washington Legion was likely only fantasy and probably a post-war one at that.
The British Legion was real but only had about a platoon of UK troops.
The Indian Legion had several thousand guys who actually engaged US Army troops in combat.

Given that weird things happen in war and that sometimes we don't find out about them until 50, 100 years or more later I figure having two tanks and a couple other vehicles supporting a platoon of "American" infantry is not unreasonable for my WWII Germans.

In a war as massive and deadly as the Eastern Front 75 men and 6 vehicles could disappear in an instant without a trace.

Thanks for commenting.
