Monday, June 8, 2009

Hanger For Hunter Killer

The Caesar Miniature troops advance on the Hunter Killer. You can see the white clothes hanger in the distance, holding up the Hunter Killer.

A tiny, little soldier looks up at the Hunter Killer held aloft by a wire hanger.

I pulled the hanger apart and bent the ends back on themselves. They are now small enough to fit into some of the screw holes in the bottom of the model.

I straightened out the curved hanger part of the hanger and use it as a spike to drive it into the dirt to hold up the model. It is surprisingly strong. It could also be stuck into a hole in a small bit of wooden block for use on a conventional wargame table.

Hunter Killer flying over the troops, the wires clearly visible. This is a good wargame model, sturdy, assembled and not too expensive at about $20. It should work for a variety of sci fi games.


  1. Great concept Mike. The HK flier looks very scary.

  2. Keep saying nice things and you won't be grumpy anymore!


  3. We were just saying over at Bennos that the way to do some terminators would be to paint some of Caesars fantasy undead skeletons chrome and give them a rifle or two. Fairly simple conversion, and I suspect it'd look quite good. I may give it a shot when I have a free moment myself.

  4. That might just work. Those are good figures. Some have swords which could be trimmed into an energy weapon.

  5. I just did a test on one now. Cut off the sword and glued on a FN-MAG machine gun from the Revell Modern British set. Painted it titanium silver. It looks good! I'll finish it off with some red eyes and black wash to bring out the shadows etc of the bones. I'll post a picture up at Benno's this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Glad you got something good out of the blog!
