Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Guard Atom Bombs

Wow, this is an important job I got here today. Guarding these Atomic Bombs.

I am only a private in the US Army but they trusted me enough to guard all these Atomic Bombs. I mean, sure, they are not exactly Atomic Bombs just yet. They don't have their Atomic materials in them yet, but they sure will real soon. These are almost as important now. Why, if someone were to break in here and sabotage this place, they would put the defense of our nation back years, and cost us maybe over a million dollars.

Those big red warheads are sure impressive. I bet a Atomic Bomb this size could wipe out a whole town, a whole city maybe.

All these Atomic Bombs sitting here waiting for final inspection and then they get the Atomic Material that makes them into REAL Atom Bombs. That sure is an impressive sight. I bet the Flying Wing can carry as many as four of these babies.

Makes me proud to be an American seeing all this Atomic Weaponry.
Makes me glad I am on our side.


  1. I love reading your 'stories' as they remind me very much of what things were like in my childhood in the 1950s - a sort of certainty that we were right even if the World looked dangerous.

    I also love the modles that you use as they also remind me of the sort of figures that I longed to own ... and never did!


  2. Thank you Bob Cordery. I loved these models as a child and now as an adult I have purchased more and still have great fun with them.

    Tell all your friends, the readership is way too small!
