My desk and workbench. I always have at least a small rubber mat on hand to minimize cuts, scrapes, and glue getting onto the desktop. After 30 years it has not been completely successful. This was my old desk when I was a patrol supervisor for Westec Security. When the company remodeled the building they let us have the old furniture. It saved them the trouble of disposing of it.
My little resin trucks are now in fire engine mode. Years ago I got some cheap trucks at Dollar Tree and now I use their rear ends for these trucks.
Fuel truck and submarine.
Hot wheels van getting a new interior, the white and blue thing, the submarine and fire trucks and if you look carefully you can see one of the pick up trucks has had the glitter and Christmas tree removed! That's a Johnny Lightening Lost in Space Chariot behind the sail of the sub.
Actually, it's just the glass dome part of the Chariot. You can see another one of the vans waiting for an interior swap out in the lower right corner. The submarine will be repainted, and decalled. It has wheels underneath and I intend to use it as one for undersea exploration, sabotage, espionage, and commando raids.
I decant spray paint into these pancake syrup bottles to use for touch up. This is the fire truck color. By spray painting the spray paint into a bottle it allows me the perfect color match for small touch ups. I get the bottles when I go to a local restaurant and dispose of them rather than try to clean them after use.
Do you use airbrush for your projects?
ReplyDeleteIt seems like you have some nice classical cars coming up to the right on your desktop.
I have an airbrush and a compressor, last time I used it was probably 20 years ago. Mostly I spray paint or hand paint. Those cars are for research on another project, and only the dark red one was painted by me, the others are stock Hot Wheels. I use the airbrush for aircraft mostly.