Sunday, July 21, 2024

Flail Tank Information

This is one of the flail tanks that I got in a used collection.
The real tanks had chains with little extra chain parts on them to add weight to beat the ground.
This particular version of the flail is just a bit of wire with a small blob of glue at intervals along the wire.
That makes the wire look like the "chain" has the extra weights on it.
This one is depicting the flail in action.
I did not bend the wire so that it touched the ground.
I figured it would be likely to get caught on the playing surface and either damage the model or the surface.
I have three flail tanks in my collection so a tank battalion could provide one flail to each company in an attack.
These don't move very quickly in real life so it would be important to have artillery to fire smoke and high explosive to protect the flail tank.
My plan is to make three Aunt Jemima mine rollers also, to give me a total of six mine clearing vehicles.
I scratch built two Aunt Jemima anti-mine rollers and purchased one from Paul Heiser Models.  So when I am done I will have a total of six Sherman mine clearing vehicles.

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