Thursday, July 4, 2024

Eagle Games Various Stuff

Eagle Games 1/72nd scale figures.
These are their Arab figures, only one pose, on the Eagle Games one pose horses.
The one African native figure, unpainted / unpainted.
I use them as Waziri from the Tarzan novels.
These little buildings look like a church or a school.  About 1/300 scale.
Maybe a factory?  About 1/300 scale.  Both of the buildings will end up as doll houses for my Santa project.
The two forts, about 1/2400 scale and I use them with my ships.
These wood fired steam locomotives will become toys for Santa to deliver.
Here are the Eagle Games cities all laid out together.
Makes a pretty good big city when laid out together.  I will use them with my 1/2400 fleets.

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