Sunday, June 23, 2024

More Landing Craft

The Aurora LC,V landing craft with the LCA and LCVPs.
Added the Airfix LCM, notice how big it is!
Really too small for a tank.
Even a 2 1/2 ton truck is too big.
Jeep is just right.
LCVP is also too small for a 2 1/2 ton truck.  Vehicle are all HO scale by Heiser Models.


  1. The LCM couldn't carry an M4 tank on anything other than a flat calm mill pond anyway - despite what the Airfix box art would have you believe!

  2. Good comparison photo. But yes, anything like an M4 would need a bigger transport. Which the USN had a number of those.

  3. stuart and MR4, quite so.

    Thanks for commenting.

