Friday, May 10, 2024

Primer Sherman

Yellow resin models don't photograph well, but they sure look good once the primer has been applied.
I use Rust-Oleum 2X Flat Gray Primer 249088.
It's much cheaper than model paints, and sticks well to resin models.
I save the nozzles so if one gets clogged later, I can use one of the old nozzles.  I also keep a piece of paper towel with me and wipe off the nozzle after every few sprays to avoid primer build up that can clog the sprayer.
I also keep a piece of paper towel with me and wipe off the nozzle after every few sprays to avoid primer build up that can clog the sprayer.
Along the suspension you can see a bit of yellow coming through, I find this is sufficient primer to cover a tank model.
Since the tank will be painted overall olive drab a few thin primer spots are not worth going back over again.   If this were a call model or other kit that needed a smooth perfect finish, I would use a different primer with a finer grain and cover every bit of the model with it.
I often put the model being painted up on a piece of wood to make it easier to reach the spray paint into the suspension parts.
I use tools like this, made out of wood, to hold my tank turrets up so they can be spray painted in the same position that they will be in when they are completed.  First I spray them upside down to get any undercuts.  Once they dry, their turret pin goes into the hole and the upper and sides are painted.


  1. Nice looking model. Is it a 1/32 scale model?

  2. HO 1/87 scale from Heiser Models sold by Fidelis Models.
    I have know Heiser and Randy from Fidelis for about 40 years, good guys.
